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So you want to start a team...

The Challenge begins June 12 and ends Monday, July 31st. During the Challenge period, Team Captains are responsible for rallying team members, tracking donations collected by your team, and keeping a list of donors with relevant contact information (if a donor wishes to remain anonymous, just list them as “anonymous donor”). At the end of the challenge period, Team Captains submit the team's materials to Michelle for tallying. (Any funds raised after the challenge can still go towards Harvest for Kids.)


Some important notes:​

  • Checks are payable to GBCIS/Harvest for Kids

  • All donations are tax-deductible (that’s why we need you to keep a donor list)

  • Online donors should include your team name in the message section and forward a copy of their e-receipt to Michelle (<- click the link!)

  • Upon registration (or within a few days) Michelle will email/call you to confirm details and send you the team toolkit (which is also available HERE)


On behalf of the Harvest for Kids Team and the Southshire, thank you for all that you are doing to support the Harvest for Kids initiative. People like you make this community the wonderful place that it is!

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